Strings v2.4 Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - !This program cannot be run in DOS mode. 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OECGI WriteFile failed, error %d. OECGI GetStdHandle failed, error %d. OECGI2 %i%c%s%c %i%c%s%c%s%c%s%c2%c%s%c%s%c%s%c%s%c%s%c OECGI memory allocation error OECGI memory allocation failure. SKIPPED ERROR %s%i%s %s.filename %s.length OILocation SysDownPage FileMode FilePath ShutdownFlags StartupFlags ProcedureName UserPassword UserName ApplicationName ServerPort ServerURL EngineName RUN_OECGI_REQUEST 8088 localhost RegistryInfo= SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI2 OECGI2 GetProcessHeap failure. Content-type: text/plain Content-type: text/html %02X Error: socket library must support 1.1 or greater. Communication failure - Engine Server has disconnected %08ld Unknown error. Valid name, no data record of requested type. Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP. Non-Authoritative Host not found or SERVERFAIL. Authoritative Answer Host not found. Unable to initialise socket. Network subsystem failure. Attempt timed out without establishing a connection. The network can't be reached from this host at this time. No buffer space available. The socket cannot be created. The socket is already connected. The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected. Specified address is not available from the local machine. The (blocking) call was canceled via WSACancelBlockingCall(). address blocking Windows Sockets operation is in progress. Socket type is not supported in this address family. The descriptor is not a socket. The specified protocol is the wrong type for this socket. The specified protocol is not supported. No more file descriptors are available. The specified address is already in use. The socket is not already bound to an address. The namelen argument is incorrect. address destination address is required. The specified address family is not supported. Unable to connect to Engine Server %s:%s - multipart/form-data application/x-www-form-urlencoded qDecoder(): qDecoderSetUploadBase() must be called before. Q_UPLOAD_ID POST GET COOKIE _get_query(): Your browser sent a non-HTTP compliant message. REQUEST_URI %s/Q_UPLOAD_END %s.savepath %s.contenttype Content-Type: ; filename=" Content-Disposition: %s/Q_UPLOAD_START _parse_multipart_data(): Can not save uploading information at %s %s/Q_UPLOAD_TSIZE _parse_multipart_data(): Can not make temporary uploading directory %s _parse_multipart_data(): Can not remove temporary uploading directory %s _parse_multipart_data(): Can not remove old temporary files at %s _parse_multipart_data(): Invalid Q_UPLOAD_ID _parse_multipart_data(): qDecoderSetUploadBase() must be called before. _parse_multipart_data(): String format invalid. _parse_multipart_data(): Your browser sent a non-HTTP compliant message. --%s _parse_multipart_data(): The boundary string is too long(Overflow Attack?). Stopping process. boundary= _parse_multipart_data(): Broken stream. _parse_multipart_data(): Memory allocation fail. %s-- _parse_multipart_value_into_disk(): Can not open file %s %s/%d-%s %s/Q_%s %s|%s|%s qDecoder-by-Seung_young_Kim window.close(); if(Q_setProgress)Q_setProgress(%d,%d,'%s');