OI Excel interface#


Recently had the need to generate explicit ".xlsx" out of OI. This is a collecction of useful links to document

Documentation Links#

Appendix - code#

This function takes in effectively the 'ADDTABLE' guts of a printjob


compile function cudcp01( directive, param, excel_to_email )
// This program is proprietary and is not to be used by or disclosed to others,     
// nor is it to be copied without written permission from Envizion Systems Pty Ltd.
// Name       :                                                                 
// Description: (E) DCP create export file format of shift confirmation
// * @package   PowerForce
// * @author    Martin Drenovac (for Envizion Systems Pty Ltd)
// * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007 - @present, Envizion Systems Pty Ltd
// * @licence   http://powerforcesoftware.com/user/license.html
// * @link      http://powerforcesoftware.com
// * @since     Version 1.0
// History (Date, Initials, Notes)                                                              
// 08/10/20 mpd Original programmer
// 10/10/20 mpd embed image                                                             
// Date: 2020/10/08 17:34:22 +1000 (Thu 08 Oct 2020)
// // Check out https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.xlborderweight as an example

$INSERT nv_copyright
$INSERT nv_userprefs
$insert nv_excel_ins

DECLARE function    nv_error,   rgb,    Set_Property
DECLARE subroutine  check_assignments
check_assignments( directive, param, excel_to_email )                           ; // html_to_email -> filename to save as

nv_version$$ = "[ver: k284]"
IF directive[1,5] _eqc ver$$ THEN
    RETURN nv_version$$

retval = ""
    CASE directive _eqc 'a' ; NULL
    CASE 1                  ; GOSUB work

If Assigned(retval) else retval = ""
RETURN retval
// retval needs to be name of file_name.xlsx to append


    objExcel@   = OleCreateInstance('Excel.Application')                        ; // oXl        = OleCreateInstance('Excel.Application')
    objWorkBooks@   = OleGetProperty(objExcel@, 'Workbooks')                    ; // oWkBks = OleGetProperty(OXl, 'Workbooks')
    objWorkBook@    = OleCallMethod(objWorkBooks@, 'Add')                       ; //    oWkBk   = OleCallMethod(oWkbks, 'Add')
    // wait a second for excel to boot up
    now = time()
        CALL Yield()
    WHILE time() eq now

    OlePutProperty(objExcel@, 'Visible', 1)
    unused          = OleCallMethod(objWorkBook@    , 'Activate')
    oActiveSheet    = OleGetProperty(objWorkBook@   , 'ActiveSheet')
    // param represents the otherwise set_printer('add...') grid
    // it's a specific layout to correspond to the sample provided to us to work off
    posn1   = FIELD(param, @VM:"Week 1",1,0)                                    ; // pos of 1st week in data
    posn1_b = FIELD(param, @VM:"Week 2",2,0)

    mpd1    = col1()
    mpd2    = col2()
    posn2   = FIELD(param, @VM:"Week 2",1,0)                                    ; // pos of 2nd week, so we can work offsets
    posn2_b = FIELD(param, @VM:"Week 2",2,0)

    param_items = DCOUNT(param,@FM)                                             ; // anything here?
    a       = 1
        this_line   = param<a>
    WHILE this_line[1,7] _nec @VM:"WEEK 1"                                      ; // find where data grid starts
        a += 1
    week_1_start    = a 

    a       = 1
        this_line   = param<a>
    WHILE this_line[1,7] _nec @VM:"WEEK 2"
        a += 1

    week_2_start    = a
    no_data_rows    = week_2_start - week_1_start - 3                           ; // size of block
    // this is a quick and easy means to populate the array
    SWAP @VM    WITH CHAR(9)            IN param
    SWAP @FM    WITH CHAR(13):CHAR(10)  IN param

    // quickest way i know how to populate excel grid
    rv              = Set_Property('CLIPBOARD', 'TEXT', Param)
    unused          = OleCallMethod(oActiveSheet, 'Paste')

    GOSUB format_excel

    // the following is a debug bucket for me, sorry for the mess

    ThisFile    = OleGetProperty(objWorkBook@, 'FullName')
    ThisFormat  = OleGetProperty(objWorkBook@, 'FileFormat')
    status_save = OleCallMethod(objWorkBook@, "SaveAs", excel_to_email, ThisFormat, "", "")
    GoSub check_ole_status

    GOSUB close_workbook
    close = OleCallMethod(objExcel@, 'Quit')
    GOSUB check_ole_status
    GOSUB destroy_excel_object
    // TODO return the filename to caller

// this is the work
// use week_1_start & week_2_start as the principal grid, the rest all bounces around them
    light_gray  = rgb(242,242,242)
    light_blue  = RGB(59,175,242)                                               ; // 1st row
    col_a_Range = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range","A:A")                       ; // select Col A:A (1st skinny col)
    cFont       = OleGetProperty(col_a_Range, "Font")
    cFontName   = OleGetProperty(cFont,"Name")

    col_k_Range = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range","K:K")                       ; // 2nd outside cols of sheet


    //    Columns("B:H").Select
    //   Selection.ColumnWidth = 17.43
    cols_bc_Range   =   OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range","B:C")                 ; // 2 cols of titles
    cols_dj_Range   =   OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range","D:J")                 ; // B,C can't wrap, the week's grid

    OlePutProperty(cols_dj_Range,"WrapText",1)                                  ; // this grid can wrap text

    // Do some  with rows
    row_1_height    =   OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Rows","1:1")
    OlePutProperty(row_1_height,"MergeCells", -1)
    row_1_interior  = OleGetProperty(row_1_height, "Interior")
    OlePutProperty(row_1_interior,"Color", light_blue)

    row_2_height    =   OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Rows","2:2")

    row_2_Range =   OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range","A2:H2")
    OlePutProperty(row_2_Range,"MergeCells", -1)

    row_3_Range =   OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range","A3:H3")
    OlePutProperty(row_3_Range,"MergeCells", -1)
    // Insert Graphic
    // am not sure of what combination here has made it all work, but it does
    *    Range("I3").Select
    *    ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("F:\temp\edmen\dcp\dcp-graphic.png").Select
    *    End Sub
    png_location    =   "F:\temp\edmen\dcp\dcp-graphic.png"
    graphic_cell    = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range","I3")
    selVal          = oleCallMethod( graphic_cell, "Select" )
    objActiveSheet  = oleGetProperty( ObjExcel@, "ActiveSheet" )
    GOSUB check_ole_status
    /////////////// BELOW works perfectly, but insert link to image...
    *   objPictures         = oleGetProperty( objActiveSheet, "Pictures" )
    *   GOSUB check_ole_status
    *   objPic          = oleCallMethod( objPictures, "Insert", "F:\temp\edmen\dcp\dcp-graphic.png" )
    *   GOSUB check_ole_status
    ////////////// ABOVE works perfectly
    EQU msoFalse    TO 0
    EQU msoCTrue    TO 1
    EQU msoTrue     TO -1

    objShapes       = oleGetProperty( objActiveSheet, "Shapes" )
    GOSUB check_ole_status

    // This from doco
    *   Dim objPicture As Object
    *    Set objPicture = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture( _
    *      Filename:="C:\Logotypes\OldOne.jpg", _
    *      LinkToFile:=False, _
    *      SaveWithDocument:=True, _
    *      Left:=Range("C2").Left, _
    *      Top:=Range("C2").Top, _
    *      Width:=-1, _
    *      Height:=-1) '-1 = keep size
    // This as practical example -
    // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.shapes.addpicture
    *   Set myDocument = Worksheets(1) 
    *   myDocument.Shapes.AddPicture _ 
    *       "c:\microsoft office\clipart\music.bmp", _ 
    *       True, True, 100, 100, 70, 70

    cell_top    = oleGetProperty(graphic_Cell,"Top")
    cell_left   = oleGetProperty(graphic_Cell,"Left")

    fileName    = "f:\temp\edmen\dcp\dcp-graphic.png"
    objShape    = oleCallMethod( objShapes, "AddPicture", filename,msoFalse,msoTrue,cell_left,cell_top, -1, -1)
    GOSUB check_ole_status

    row_24_height   =   OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Rows","2:4")

    row_4_height    =   OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range","A4:K4")
    OlePutProperty(row_4_height,"MergeCells", -1)
    row_4_font      =   OleGetProperty(row_4_height,"Font")
    OlePutProperty(row_4_font, "Bold", -1)
    OlePutProperty(row_4_height,'HorizontalAlignment', xlCenter)                    ; // EQU xlCenter       TO -4108
    // now change font 


    // Row 11
    row_11_range    =   OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range","I11:J11")

    OlePutProperty(row_11_range,"MergeCells", -1)

    // 2 col header blocks around Week 1 & 2
    *   Sub selectColWeek1()
    *   '
    *   ' selectColWeek1 Macro
    *   '
    *    Range("B13:C20").Select
    *    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    *    With Selection.Interior
    *        .Pattern = xlSolid
    *        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    *        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
    *        .TintAndShade = -4.99893185216834E-02
    *        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    *    End With
    *    Application.Left = -1664.5
    *    Application.Top = -472
    *    Windows("2020_10_09_Vivienne (Edmen).xlsx").Activate
    *   End Sub
    w1_range        = "B":week_1_start:":C":week_1_start + no_data_rows + 1     ; // +1, because 2 lines of headers

    week1_block     = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range", w1_range )
    week1_interior  = OleGetProperty(week1_block, "Interior")
    //  OlePutProperty(week1_interior,"TintAndShade", RGB(255, 0, 0))               ; // .Color = 13434879
    OlePutProperty(week1_interior,"Color", light_gray)

    w2_range        = "B":week_2_start:":C":week_2_start + no_data_rows + 1     ; // +1, because 2 lines of headers

    week2_block     = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range", w2_range )
    week2_interior  = OleGetProperty(week2_block, "Interior")
    *   OlePutProperty(week2_interior,"TintAndShade", RGB(255, 0, 0))           ; // .Color = 13434879
    OlePutProperty(week2_interior,"Color", light_gray)

    // Still on the headers, now do the rows
    w1_range        = "D":week_1_start:":J":week_1_start +  1   
    week1_block     = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range", w1_range )
    week1_interior  = OleGetProperty(week1_block, "Interior")
    *   OlePutProperty(week2_interior,"TintAndShade", RGB(255, 0, 0))               ; // .Color = 13434879
    OlePutProperty(week1_interior,"Color", light_gray)

    w2_range        = "D":week_2_start:":J":week_2_start +  1   
    week2_block     = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range", w2_range )
    week2_interior  = OleGetProperty(week2_block, "Interior")
    *   OlePutProperty(week2_interior,"TintAndShade", RGB(255, 0, 0))               ; // .Color = 13434879
    OlePutProperty(week2_interior,"Color", light_gray)

    // Align / Format Cols B:C

    // for whatever reason, the lower legend is aligned hard left, so fix it

    *   Sub Macro1()
    *    Range("B43").Select
    *    With Selection
    *        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    *        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
    *        .WrapText = False
    *        .Orientation = 0
    *        .AddIndent = False
    *        .IndentLevel = 0
    *        .ShrinkToFit = False
    *        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
    *        .MergeCells = False
    *    End With
    *   End Sub
    legend_range        = "B":week_2_start + (no_data_rows + 1 + 7 ) :":B":week_2_start +  (no_data_rows + 1 + 7 + 8)
    legend_block        = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range", legend_range )

    legend_interior = OleGetProperty(legend_block, "Interior")
    //  OlePutProperty(week2_interior,"TintAndShade", RGB(255, 0, 0))               ; // .Color = 13434879
    // OlePutProperty(legend_interior,"Color", RGB(200, 200, 100))

    // Individual elements just need a tweak
    c5      = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range", "C5" )

    c6      = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range", "C6" )
    c6_font = OleGetProperty(c6,"Font")
    OlePutProperty(c6_font,"Color", -16776961)

    *   Range("B6").Select
    *    Selection.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
    placement       = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range", "B8" )
    placement_font  = OleGetProperty(placement,"Font")
    OlePutProperty(placement_font, "Underline", xlUnderlineStyleSingle)
    OlePutProperty(placement_font, "Bold", -1)

    // Guidelines Header
    legend_range    = "B":week_2_start + (no_data_rows + 1 + 7 )                ; // 
    legend          = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range", legend_range )
    legend_font     = OleGetProperty(legend,"Font")
    OlePutProperty(legend_font, "Bold", -1)

    // Box the Legend headers
    *   sub macro1()
    *       range("j32:j34").select
    *       selection.borders(xldiagonaldown).linestyle = xlnone
    *       selection.borders(xldiagonalup).linestyle = xlnone
    *       with selection.borders(xledgeleft)
    *           .linestyle = xlcontinuous
    *           .colorindex = 0
    *           .tintandshade = 0
    *           .weight = xlthin
    *       end with
    *       with selection.borders(xledgetop)
    *           .linestyle = xlcontinuous
    *           .colorindex = 0
    *           .tintandshade = 0
    *           .weight = xlthin
    *       end with
    *       with selection.borders(xledgebottom)
    *           .linestyle = xlcontinuous
    *           .colorindex = 0
    *           .tintandshade = 0
    *           .weight = xlthin
    *       end with
    *       with selection.borders(xledgeright)
    *           .linestyle = xlcontinuous
    *           .colorindex = 0
    *           .tintandshade = 0
    *           .weight = xlthin
    *       end with
    *       with selection.borders(xlinsidevertical)
    *           .linestyle = xlcontinuous
    *           .colorindex = 0
    *           .tintandshade = 0
    *           .weight = xlthin
    *       end with
    *       with selection.borders(xlinsidehorizontal)
    *           .linestyle = xlcontinuous
    *           .colorindex = 0
    *           .tintandshade = 0
    *           .weight = xlthin
    *       end with
    *   end sub

    legend_range    = "J":week_2_start +  (no_data_rows + 3 ):":J":week_2_start +  (no_data_rows + 1 +  5)

    legend          = OleGetProperty(ObjExcel@,"Range", legend_range )
    borders         = OleGetProperty(legend, "BORDERS")
    OlePutProperty(borders, "LineStyle",XlContinuous)
    OlePutProperty(borders, "Weight",XlThin)
    OlePutProperty(legend, "HorizontalAlignment",xlCenter)

    // just sampler to see entering data into header
    *   Sub InsertPicture()
    *       With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeaderPicture
    *           .FileName = "C:\Sample.jpg"
    *           .Height = 275.25
    *           .Width = 463.5
    *           .Brightness = 0.36
    *           .ColorType = msoPictureGrayscale
    *           .Contrast = 0.39
    *           .CropBottom = -14.4
    *           .CropLeft = -28.8
    *           .CropRight = -14.4
    *           .CropTop = 21.6
    *       End With
    *       ' Enable the image to show up in the left header.
    *       ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader = "&G"
    *   End Sub 

    *   HeaderPicture=OleGetProperty(PageSetup,"LeftHeaderPicture")
    *   OlePutProperty(PageSetup,"LeftHeader","&G")
    *   OlePutProperty(HeaderPicture,"Filename",ADD_TEXT)


//  Closes excel altogether. Should probably call this on the close of Pf just in case.
//  Don't do it each time though because starting excel is time consuming.

    void        = OLECallMethod(objExcel@, 'Close')
    objExcel@   = ""        ; // Set it to null so that if we come here again we'll know excel is no longer instantiated


//  Close the current workbook. Have this separate so we can close the workbook
//  without also closing excel altogether. Starting excel is time consuming.

    void = OLECallMethod(objWorkBooks@, 'Close')                                    ; // 01/03/12
    objWorkBook@    = ""
    objWorkBookS@   = ""

//  Only way to accurately tell whether the previous ole command was successful

    is_ok = ( oleStatus() eq 0 )
